
Clocks and Water Drops. Poems by Marlene Hitt
"Clocks and Water Drops" is the first full-length collection of poetry by Marlene Hitt, the first Poet Laureate of Sunland-Tujunga,
a former Director at the Bolton Hall Museum, a local historian, poet, and community activist. The book of reflections about her life,
family and neighborhood changing through the decades, includes 73 poems in sections dedicated to: Children, Marriages, Portraits,
Neighbors, Seasons, Small Things, Passages, and Farewells.
Paperback edition, $15.00 (+S&H), 118 pp.:
ISBN 978-0-9819693-5-0.

The Desert Hat. Survival Poems by Ed Rosenthal
This volume of poetry was inspired by a six-and-a-half-day ordeal of Ed Rosenthal, a Poet-Broker, who survived
after being lost in the Mojave Desert in September 2010. An experienced hiker, he veered far away
from his usual route and could not find his way back. After the rescue, he wrote 36 poignant, lyrical and
hallucinatory poems about his harrowing experience. With an introduction by Ruth Nolan.
Paperback edition, $15.00 (+S&H), 74 pp.:
ISBN 978-0-9819693-7-4
eBook for iTunes or Nook, $10.00:
ISBN 978-0-9819693-9-8. More information
on Moonrise Press Blog.

Meditations on Divine Names. An anthology edited by Maja Trochimczyk
An anthology of contemporary English poetry by 64 poets from different spiritual traditions and religious denominations, celebrating
the act of naming, the multitude of names, and the presence/revelation of the divine through earth, water, air, fire, being and loving.
March 2012, Moonrise Press. ISBN 978-0-9819693-8-1. $21. Details with a list of poets. "Convergence"
on the Poetry Laurels Blog. Available on
Barnes & Noble, and other major sellers.


Chopin with Cherries: A Tribute in Verse. An anthology edited by Maja Trochimczyk, 2010.
An anthology of contemporary English poetry by 92 poets with roots in Poland,
France, England, India, Australia, Serbia, and the U.S., celebrating the 200th anniversary of Chopin's birth.
February 2010, Moonrise Press. ISBN 978-0-9819693-0-5. Details.
CHRISTOPHER WOODS, FEBRUARY 2011: "For those who have been moved by the music of Fryderyk Chopin, this new international anthology will be a treat... One breathtaking aspect of the anthology is the diversity of voices, both stylistically and geographically... [Among] the striking aspects of the anthology is the way in which the editor, Polish born Maja Trochimczyk, arranges the various sections, not only by musical forms, but also into sections like beauty and death, words that often come to mind when considering Chopin's life, his passions and his early demise." Christopher Woods in Contemporary World Literature 5 (February 2011).

Miriam's Iris, or Angels in the Garden Poetry and Photography by Maja Trochimczyk
A poetry collection organized around appearances of six angels:
Amor, the angel of romance; Eros, the angel of desire; Eloe, the angel of sorrow; Thanatos, the angel of death;
Ellenai, the angel of consolation; and Sophia, the angel of wisdom. Nature mysticism illustrated in vignettes of poems and photos.
Published in 2008. Read a sample here.Distributed by Amazon.com, lulu, etc:
Paperback without Photos (First Edition): ISBN 978-0-578-00166-1 - $12.00
Hardcover with Color Photos (Second Edition, 126 pp.): ISBN 978-0-9819693-2-9 - $48.00
Download file in pdf format: ISBN 978-0-9819693-2-9 - $10.00
G. MURRAY THOMAS, FEBRUARY 2010: "Rarely does one find a book of poetry which holds together as well as Miriam's Iris. Although presented as a collection of individual poems, it reads like it was composed as a whole, as a single poem of multiple parts. . . Miriam's Iris is a strong demonstration of how poetry can evoke emotion without getting bogged down in the details of one's affairs. Along the way it provides some wisdom about finding one's place, accepting what one is given." (G. Murray Thomas, Poetix.net, Feburary 2010)


Rose Always - A Court Love Story.
Poetry and Photography by Maja Trochimczyk
Surprisingly sweet and gentle, this love story of a crime victim and a sex offender consists of 85 brief, lyrical poems and 24 narrative fragments.
Inspired by the Songs of Songs and centuries of love poems, from Sappho to Milosz.
Published in 2008. Read a sample of poems here.
Distributed by lulu.com and all major retailers.
Hardcover without Photos (First Edition, 2008, 136 pp.): ISBN 978-0-615-26362-5 - $30.00
Hardcover with Color Photos (Second Edition, 2009, 184 pp.): ISBN 978-0-9819693-1-2 - $58.00
Paperback (Third, revised edition, 2011): ISBN 978-0-981-9693-4-3 - $18.00
Download file in pdf format: ISBN 978-0-9819693-1-2 - $10.00
RUSSELL SALAMON, DECEMBER 2012: "A woman kept safe in a body, meets bad boy angel, splashes into rose petals flowing, shatters into passion.
... She becomes translucent and in her veins we see the grace of God.
She writes in disappearing angel blood... In telling a story of an flawed yet intense romance in Rose Always, Maja handled everything with perfect timing and depth. It is impressive that her heroine did not permit her love to be alloyed, that she remained true to her love. We should be grateful to Maja Trochimczyk for writing this unusual drama. She is a real poet, artist, a real woman and real soul."
Glorias and Assorted Praises Poetry and Photography by Maja Trochimczyk
A collection of 30 religious poems dedicated to the memory of a Polish Franciscan nun, Sister Elia Maciejewska (d.2002).
Online chapbook of selected poems published in 2008 (html).
A Romantic Century in Polish Music. Collection of essays by
Magdalena Dziadek, Martina Homma, Krzysztof Rottermund, Krzysztof Szatrawski, Maria Zduniak, and the editor. Essays about Lipinski in Wroclaw, Lipinski's violins, Wieniawski's virtuosity, the reception of Wagner, women composers, and other issues.
Los Angeles: Moonrise Press, December 2009. See the description
with the table of contents. ISBN 978-0-9819693-3-6 (paperback edition, $22 or eBook - PDF Download, $10.
Space and Spatialization in Contemporary Music: History and Analysis, Ideas
and Implementations. Ph.D. Dissertation
by Maria Anna Harley (McGill University, 1996). See the free, downloadable
dissertation PDF files
with the table of contents: Part I, Part II, Part III (Brant, Shafer, Xenakis).
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All photographs and information (c) 2008-2011 by Moonrise Press, Los Angeles. All rights reserved by Moonrise Press.
Distribution and sales by lulu.com and its partners.