A California publisher of poetry, Polish history, and books on music. Established in 2008 in Los Angeles.
Alchemy of Words - A New Poetry Book by Ella Czajkowska (September 2024)

The "Alchemy of Words" is the first English-language poetry book of Ella Czajkowska who previously published a book of poems in Polish. These 70 poems deal with themes of nature, divinity, human emotions, existential contemplation and the complexities of life. The poems explore the beauty and terror of natural world, the fleeting nature of joy, the struggles of existence, and the interplay of love and hate. Through vivid imagery and entrancing verse, the poems evoke a sense of wonder and introspection. They invite readers to an adventure of exploring human experience, reflecting upon the intricacies of life and the power of language and art. According to Piotr D. Siemion, Ph.D., a Polish-American writer and essayist, “Ella Czajkowska ushers a voice of sublime sincerity into our increasingly outlandish human realm.”
BUY IT NOW: ISBN 978-1-945938-80-1, paperback, 98 pages, $22.00.
Ella Czajkowska's love of creative writing was born in high school, where she first wrote poetry and short stories. In 2015, Ella started to write poetry in both Polish and English, and from 2017 she writes only in English. Her book of Polish language poetry, entitled “Tam, gdzie umierają marzenia”, was published in Rzeszów by Sowello in 2019. Her English-language poems appeared in the California Quarterly and the Crystal Fire anthology (Moonrise Press, 2022). She was nominated for the Pushcart Prize in 2022 by the California State Poetry Society for her poem "The Calling”. A graduate of two music schools, Elzbieta learned to play piano, clarinet, and percussion—piano remains her favorite instrument to this day. A true Renaissance person with a wide range of interests, talents, and knowledge, she was born in Warsaw, Poland and lives in Los Angeles, California.
Deszczowy chleb. Wiersze z wygnania - 40 poems in Polish from Trochimczyk's The Rainy Bread (2024)

Moonrise Press issued a Polish translation and revision of 40 poems from Maja Trochimczyk's The Rainy Bread of 2021; in two format, paperback and E-book in PDF Format (the latter available only on lulu.com due to the presence of Polish fonts other ebook format are not supported by the distributor).
Ebook. ISBN 978-1-945938-78-8, PDF, 68 pages, $10.00
Paperback. ISBN 978-1-945938-77-1, 68 pages, 40 poems, $20.00
The book contains Polish translations of 40 poems from Maja Trochimczyk's volume of poetry, "The Rainy Bread: More Poems from Exile." Published in 2021 (first edition in 2016), the collection of 63 poems describes the tragic experiences of Poles during and after WWII, especially the author's family, originating from the country's eastern Borderlands (Baranowicze and the surrounding areas). Some poems capture the trauma, resilience, ordeals, and miraculous survival stories of the author’s immediate family. Their experiences of displacement, hunger, cold, and poverty during the war are typical of Polish civilians. They were killed, deported, imprisoned, or starved after the invasion of Poland by the Soviet Union on September 17, 1939.. They were deported to Siberia, the Arctic Circle, or Kazakhstan. Some left the Soviet Union with the Second Corps of the Polish Army under the command of General Władysław Anders. Others were transported to refugee camps in India or Africa; and ended up in Argentina, Canada, Australia or the U.S. The focus is not the tragedy itself, but the power of will, the resilience, and the strength of character that safeguarded their survival. The English-language book is an expanded edition of "The Rainy Bread: Poems from Exile" (30 poems, 2016) and a companion to "Slicing the Bread" (25 poems, 2014).
Moonrise Press announces the publication of Dramaty Zebrane. Collected Plays, Tom 2. Volume 2. Teatr Niezgody. Theater of Discord by Kazimierz Braun (August 2024)

ISBN 978-1-945938-67-2 E-book, PDF format, $10.00
ISBN 978-1-945938-66-5, hardcover, 312 pages, $60.00
"Dramaty Zebrane. Collected Plays. Teatr Niezgody. The Theater of Discord" is the second volume of a bilingual collection of dramas by Kazimierz Braun. It contains five plays in Polish and English recounting stories about people who did not agree to enslavement, to restraining human freedom in both spiritual and practical dimensions, including political considerations. "The Wind of Independence" presents the struggle for the liberation of the city of Tarnów from the unwanted rule of Austria in 1918, when Poland regained its independence after 123 years of being divided between Austria, Russia and Prussia. The author's family played a vital role in the independence movement. The play "Lanckorońska" tells the story of Karolina Lanckorońska’s opposition to totalitarian regimes—the Soviet’s and the Nazis’—during World War II. The heroine, a noted art historian and a Polish patriot of the highest ethical standards, became a soldier in the underground Polish Home Army and was incarcerated by both hostile invaders. "The Internees" and "The Boycott" are a testimony to the resistance of Poles against the introduction of martial law in 1981, a totalitarian action ostensibly designed to protect the country from a potential Soviet invasion, but actually having a purpose of destroying the anti-communist opposition and ending the peaceful revolution of the Solidarity movement. Both plays present a range of moral choices made by their protagonists, including heroes and cowards, patriots and traitors. Finally, "The Quarantine" depicts the resistance to the enslavement imposed on people in the times of the so-called global “pandemic” of the 2020s, that was nothing but a global power grab by enemies of humanity. While focusing on different periods of Polish history, "The Boycott" and "The Quarantine" portray moral dilemmas and difficult choices to be made by actors, faced with options of either resisting or succumbing to economic and political challenges imposed on their careers by totalitarian government policies.
Dramaty Zebrane. Collected Plays, Tom 1. Volume 1. Teatr Jednego Aktora. Plays for One Actor, by Kazimierz Braun (April 2024)

ardcover: ISBN 978-1-945938-62-7 ($56.). Paperback: ISBN 978-1-945938-63-4 ($40), ISBN 978-1-945938-64-1 (eBook, PDF format).
Moonrise Press is pleased to present the first of four volumes of Braun - Plays, Vol. 1, Collected Plays by Kazimierz Braun, containing his plays for one actress and one actor, in a bilingual, Polish and English edition and a large format (8.5 by 11, 364 pages), hardcover and paperback. Collected Plays Volume 1, Plays for One Actor, is the first volume of dramas by Kazimierz Braun in a bilingual, Polish-English edition. It contains two dramas for an actress and five for an actor. "Emigrant Queen" tells the story of the fate and journey of the great actress Helena Modrzejewska (Modjeska), a star of Polish and American stages in the second half of the 19th century. "Hollywood Means Sacred Forest" depicts the attempts of a Polish actress to make a career in America in the 1980’s. The texts about Tadeusz Kościuszko, Cyprian Kamil Norwid, Henryk Sienkiewicz, Ignacy Jan Paderewski, and Saint Maximilian Kolbe are biographical dramas about these great Poles who—each in their own field—had a huge impact on the course of Polish history, its literature and culture, as well as Polish spirituality; they also made their mark on history in its broadest sense.
Moonrise Press is pleased to present the first of four volumes of Braun - Plays, Vol. 1, Collected Plays by Kazimierz Braun, containing his plays for one actress and one actor, in a bilingual, Polish and English edition and a large format (8.5 by 11, 364 pages), hardcover and paperback. Collected Plays Volume 1, Plays for One Actor, is the first volume of dramas by Kazimierz Braun in a bilingual, Polish-English edition. It contains two dramas for an actress and five for an actor. "Emigrant Queen" tells the story of the fate and journey of the great actress Helena Modrzejewska (Modjeska), a star of Polish and American stages in the second half of the 19th century. "Hollywood Means Sacred Forest" depicts the attempts of a Polish actress to make a career in America in the 1980’s. The texts about Tadeusz Kościuszko, Cyprian Kamil Norwid, Henryk Sienkiewicz, Ignacy Jan Paderewski, and Saint Maximilian Kolbe are biographical dramas about these great Poles who—each in their own field—had a huge impact on the course of Polish history, its literature and culture, as well as Polish spirituality; they also made their mark on history in its broadest sense.
Celebrating Modjeska in California: History of Helena Modjeska Art & Culture Club - New Non-fiction Book

Celebrating Modjeska in California: History of Helena Modjeska Art & Culture Club is a 440-page case study by Maja Trochimczyk of one Polonian organization, active since 1971, that reveals the interests, activities, successes and challenges of successive waves of Polish immigrants to America, especially the generation of the Displaced Persons (survivors and veterans of World War II, mostly interwar Polish intelligentsia), and of the Solidarity-era (activists of anti-communist movement, "tourists" who came to work and overstayed their visas, and creative/enterprising individuals seeking to further their careers). The book is dedicated to "all Polish émigrés and exiles dispersed throughout the world who remained faithful to the Polish language and culture, especially to all the volunteers of the Helena Modjeska Art & Culture Club in Los Angeles, promoting Polish culture in California." This volume consists of ten chapters starting from a biography of the Club's patron, actress Helena Modjeska (1840-1909); a survey of Polish Americans and their organizations in California; and a biography of the Club's founder, actor Leonidas Dudarew-Ossetynski (1910-1989). Six chapters are dedicated to "eras" in the Club's history, from the Kingdom of Leonidas (1971-1978), through the times of Solidarity immigrants (1978-1989), the birth of the Third Republic of Poland (1989-1998), the period of stabilization and status quo (1998-2010), the arrival of new people and ideas (2010-2018), to surviving challenges (2018-2023). The tenth chapter is a summary with conclusions and recommendations. The book includes index and many illustrations from the archives of: Helena Modjeska Art & Culture Club, Polish Museum of America in Chicago, Valerie Dudarew-Ossetynska Hunken - the founder's daughter, American Council of Polish Culture (formerly "of Polish Cultural Clubs"), Institute of National Remembrance, Maja Trochimczyk, and other private and public archives. All net revenue is donated to the Modjeska Club. More information: https://moonrisepress.blogspot.com/2023/10/celebrating-modjeska-in-california-new.html
Paperback $125; ISBN 978-1-945938-55-9; ISBN 978-1-945938-56-6, hardcover $140.
Paperback $125; ISBN 978-1-945938-55-9; ISBN 978-1-945938-56-6, hardcover $140.
Call for Submissions of Poems for New Anthology Genuine SW Blue - by April 4, 2024

Moonrise Press will publish a collection of ekhprastic poems inspired by the work of Slawek Wisniewski, especially his Genuine Yves Klein Blue series. Poets are now asked to submit their work by email to maja@moonrisepress.com, with 150-word bio. English and other languages with English translations. Poems up to 48 lines, previously unpublished or with publication details enclosed, will be considered. Haiku, haibun and tanka submissions are welcome. Poets may write about one or more paintings reproduced on this blog. The collection is edited by Maja Trochimczyk. Payment to poets will be one copy of the published book. A reading will take place in June 2024. The painting above, in Genuine Yves Klein Blue is entitled a ritroso dal passato... and bears an inscription translated on the back. Information about the artist is below. The book will be published in paperback and ebook versions. Images are found on the Moonrise Press Blog: https://moonrisepress.blogspot.com/2024/01/call-for-poems-for-ekphrastic.html
Born in 1959 in Poland, Wisniewski is an American artist, living in Southern California, Los Angeles area. He studied medicine in Poland (M.D. Diploma), however was always involved in the creative arts, mostly oil painting on canvas. His first shows date back to the 1980s (Honorata Gallery in Lodz, Poland). He is a member of Zwiazek Artystow Plastykow Rzeczypospolitej-Polska. Wisniewski successfully showed his art at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and was affiliated with the gallery ARSG for five years; he is currently represented by Saatchi Art Gallery, saatchiart.com. For several years, he worked with a group of NOHO-artists called EVA. His paintings in surrealist styles include trompe l'oeil still life imagery. Currently, he works on a series of paintings showing expressions of Los Angeles, using color for its emotional impact in his interpretations of the city. In new works he uses also scribbles, as automatic form , intuitive and emotional ,non-linguistic visual signs to display reference to landscape or semiotic expression of thoughts. There are also some lines of poetry chosen from Rilke. Some of the works are done in genuine Yves Klein Blue/IKB/.
Born in 1959 in Poland, Wisniewski is an American artist, living in Southern California, Los Angeles area. He studied medicine in Poland (M.D. Diploma), however was always involved in the creative arts, mostly oil painting on canvas. His first shows date back to the 1980s (Honorata Gallery in Lodz, Poland). He is a member of Zwiazek Artystow Plastykow Rzeczypospolitej-Polska. Wisniewski successfully showed his art at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and was affiliated with the gallery ARSG for five years; he is currently represented by Saatchi Art Gallery, saatchiart.com. For several years, he worked with a group of NOHO-artists called EVA. His paintings in surrealist styles include trompe l'oeil still life imagery. Currently, he works on a series of paintings showing expressions of Los Angeles, using color for its emotional impact in his interpretations of the city. In new works he uses also scribbles, as automatic form , intuitive and emotional ,non-linguistic visual signs to display reference to landscape or semiotic expression of thoughts. There are also some lines of poetry chosen from Rilke. Some of the works are done in genuine Yves Klein Blue/IKB/.
Marlene Hitt's Second Poetry Book, "Yellow Tree Alone" (March 2023)

Moonrise Press is pleased to announce the publication of Marlene Hitt's second full-size poetry volume, Yellow Tree Alone. Selected Poems. Written between 1998 and 2022, these 129 poems bring together the fruit of a lifetime of wisdom and creativity. Some poems are reprinted from earlier publications; the poet's favorites have appeared in print several times. Others are either new or have never been published. The poems have been selected by Marlene Hitt, Alice Pero, and Maja Trochimczyk from Marlene's vast output of well-crafted and insightful verse. Alice organized poems into seven chapters, borrowing their titles from Marlene's poems: 1. That Silken Wisper, 2. Threads, 3. Along the Path, 4. Fallen Words, 5. Thunder under the Ground, 6. The Web, 7. Pillars of Motes. The title is borrowed from the last poem in the book, a description of a bright yellow tree, lonely in a vast empty field - a symbol of the loneliness of the poet, often misunderstood by those around her. It is a universal condition of every poet, every creative and inspired soul that reaches beyond the mundane, beyond their immediate surroundings, transmuting the chaff of experience into the gold of words. Marlene Hitt's poetry perfectly exemplifies this alchemy of creative craft.
182 pages (xviii pp. prefatory matter, and 164 pp.); 6 in x 9 in. ISBN 978-1-945938-34-4, paperback, $22 plus S & H. ISBN 978-1-945938-35-1, ebook, ePub format. Cover photo by Karen Winters, cover design by Maja Trochimczyk
182 pages (xviii pp. prefatory matter, and 164 pp.); 6 in x 9 in. ISBN 978-1-945938-34-4, paperback, $22 plus S & H. ISBN 978-1-945938-35-1, ebook, ePub format. Cover photo by Karen Winters, cover design by Maja Trochimczyk
Six Pushcart Prize 2022 Nominations from the "Crystal Fire" Anthology and "Bright Skies"
Poets at the opening of "Sky Garden" exhibition at Scenic Drive Gallery in Monrovia, CA on October 16, 2022. L to R: Mary Elliott, Bory Thach, Marlene Hitt, Alice Pero, Joe DeCenzo, Ambika Talwar and Maja Trochimczyk. More photos:
https://moonrisepress.blogspot.com/2022/11/sky-garden-exhibition-closing-on.html |
Moonrise Press submitted its six nominations to Pushcart Prizes 2022 mostly from the Crystal Fire anthology. The editor stated: "Since all poems in the book are excellent, my focus was the jury: what poems do the Pushcart Prize committee NEED to read for their own spiritual benefit?" Therefore, five poems were selected from Crystal Fire. Poems of Joy and Wisdom, and one from Bright Skies.
The Crystal Fire anthology poems nominated for Pushcart Prizes 2022 are as follows: 1. “Migration” by Bory Thach 2. “A Room Full of Boxes” by Marlene Hitt 3. “If I Rise” by Alice Pero 4. “At Times, I Find Myself in Time” by Jeff Graham 5. “Joy in a Careless Breeze” by Ambika Talwar The Bright Skies poem is "Matka Boska Zielna" by Maja Trochimczyk. |
A Fantastic Review of "Today in the Forest" by Cindy Rinne and Toti O'Brien (November 2022)

Book Review by Michael Paul Hogan, in London Grip Poetry Review online, November 2022: https://londongrip.co.uk/2022/11/london-grip-poetry-review-cindy-rinne
Michael Paul Hogan writes: "Is it possible to create a myth? Or should they evolve out of some remote and unrecorded past, only gaining the concrete legitimacy of words when they have been refined and expanded over centuries of oral transmutation? Does poetry represent a myth’s end in the sense that the myth is now completed? That it can no longer be told in many versions, but now must be read as a single unified work? [...] The genius of Cindy Rinne (greatly aided by the genius of her illustrator, Toti O’Brien) is that she has managed to sidestep these questions by not exactly creating a myth, but presenting us with the fragments of a myth, one that might have been developed orally then been crystallised by poets, but now resembles the shards of pottery and pieces of fresco from which an archaeologist might recreate the kingdom of Sparta or the city of Troy. The myth, she seems to say, has been forgotten, buried under a heap of modern imagery; from these fragments I now present to you, you must recreate the myth for yourself. [...] Ultimately, Today in the Forest defies any kind of conventional revue. The text is like trying to negotiate an entirely blacked-out village by the occasional flash of lightning; the illustrations need to be seen to be appreciated; the effect of the combination of the two must, therefore, be taken on trust. I can only conclude by saying that Cindy Rinne and Toti O’Brien have between them created a small masterpiece. It deserves all the success I hope it achieves. [...] Read more about Today in the Forest.
Michael Paul Hogan writes: "Is it possible to create a myth? Or should they evolve out of some remote and unrecorded past, only gaining the concrete legitimacy of words when they have been refined and expanded over centuries of oral transmutation? Does poetry represent a myth’s end in the sense that the myth is now completed? That it can no longer be told in many versions, but now must be read as a single unified work? [...] The genius of Cindy Rinne (greatly aided by the genius of her illustrator, Toti O’Brien) is that she has managed to sidestep these questions by not exactly creating a myth, but presenting us with the fragments of a myth, one that might have been developed orally then been crystallised by poets, but now resembles the shards of pottery and pieces of fresco from which an archaeologist might recreate the kingdom of Sparta or the city of Troy. The myth, she seems to say, has been forgotten, buried under a heap of modern imagery; from these fragments I now present to you, you must recreate the myth for yourself. [...] Ultimately, Today in the Forest defies any kind of conventional revue. The text is like trying to negotiate an entirely blacked-out village by the occasional flash of lightning; the illustrations need to be seen to be appreciated; the effect of the combination of the two must, therefore, be taken on trust. I can only conclude by saying that Cindy Rinne and Toti O’Brien have between them created a small masterpiece. It deserves all the success I hope it achieves. [...] Read more about Today in the Forest.
12 Poets in the Anthology "Crystal Fire. Poems of Joy and Wisdom" (October 2022)

Edited by Maja Trochimczyk, and illustrated with paintings by Ambika Talwar, the “Crystal Fire” anthology gathers poems of joy and wisdom by 12 poets, 8 women and 4 men: Elżbieta Czajkowska, Joe DeCenzo, Mary Elliott, Jeff Graham, Marlene Hitt, Frederick Livingston, Alice Pero, Allegra Silberstein, Jane Stuart, Ambika Talwar, Bory Thach, and Maja Trochimczyk. The poets span all ages and diverse life experiences. They include émigrés from Poland, Cambodia, and India, and those born in the U.S. College professors join community poets. Native speakers appear alongside those for whom English is the second, or even the third language. Young graduates and retirees. Married, single, or widowed. The ”joy and wisdom” they write about are also different, as each poet follows their own path and gathers unique reflections to share with their readers.
More about this book with poetry samples:
ISBN 978-1-945938-57-3 (color hardcover), $68.00 plus S&H
ISBN 978-1-945938-58-0 (color paperback), $53.00 plus S&H
ISBN 978-1-945938-59-7 (eBook), $10.00, instant download
More about this book with poetry samples:
ISBN 978-1-945938-57-3 (color hardcover), $68.00 plus S&H
ISBN 978-1-945938-58-0 (color paperback), $53.00 plus S&H
ISBN 978-1-945938-59-7 (eBook), $10.00, instant download
Maja Trochimczyk's "Bright Skies" - Poems to Heal, Amuse and Inspire (May 2022)

Maja Trochimczyk dedicates this collection of poems, “Bright Skies,” to her children and grand-children, asking them to read and enjoy her verse “when they grow up.” The volume features 85 poems written in 2009-2022 and organized into five sections – Spring, Summer, Babie Lato, Autumn and Winter. The seasons of poetry include reflections on nature, beauty, love, life, and spirituality. The focus is on positive emotions, learning to be calm and content, full of compassion and wisdom. It is a life-long quest, and these poems are an invitation.
The poems are illustrated with 160 photographs taken in the poet’s neighborhood – Big Tujunga Wash, Angeles National Forest, Descanso Gardens, and Oxnard Beach. The surprising “Coda” brings a set of recipes for old-fashioned Polish dishes mentioned in poems. Bringing together favorite memories of her Polish childhood – making and flying kites, plays with soap bubbles – and the delights of sunny Southern California gardens, parks, and beaches, the book includes lessons how to seek and find the daily dose of domestic bliss. This book is a legacy from a well-lived life, and a companion to "Into Light: Poems and Incantations" - another collection of positive, inspirational poetry illustrated with photos.
ISBN 978-1-945938-49-8, color paperback; ISBN 978-1-945938-52-8, eBook in ePub format.ISBN 978-1-945938-54-2 color hardcover.. US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm), 184 Pages, 85 poems, 160 color photographs, 6 portraits
Maja Trochimczyk Reads "From Minium Chronicles", "Ocean of Jade" and "On Landscapes: A Guidebook" from the book on YouTube: https://youtu.be/m0i17jPRPLs
The poems are illustrated with 160 photographs taken in the poet’s neighborhood – Big Tujunga Wash, Angeles National Forest, Descanso Gardens, and Oxnard Beach. The surprising “Coda” brings a set of recipes for old-fashioned Polish dishes mentioned in poems. Bringing together favorite memories of her Polish childhood – making and flying kites, plays with soap bubbles – and the delights of sunny Southern California gardens, parks, and beaches, the book includes lessons how to seek and find the daily dose of domestic bliss. This book is a legacy from a well-lived life, and a companion to "Into Light: Poems and Incantations" - another collection of positive, inspirational poetry illustrated with photos.
ISBN 978-1-945938-49-8, color paperback; ISBN 978-1-945938-52-8, eBook in ePub format.ISBN 978-1-945938-54-2 color hardcover.. US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm), 184 Pages, 85 poems, 160 color photographs, 6 portraits
Maja Trochimczyk Reads "From Minium Chronicles", "Ocean of Jade" and "On Landscapes: A Guidebook" from the book on YouTube: https://youtu.be/m0i17jPRPLs
The Year of Crystal Fire - Poems of Joy and Revelation, Anthology edited by Maja Trochimczyk
Deadline June 30, 2022, Submit via email to info@moonrisepress.com
Inspired by the “positive psychology” movement and the Great Awakening of spiritual enlightenment, Moonrise Press will publish an anthology of “positive poetry” in English to celebrate the beauty of inspiration and renewed understanding of life, nature, being, love, cosmos, and our place within. Send your poems, if you ever had a moment of feeling that blinders fell off your eyes, that you took off your dark glasses and suddenly saw the world as it truly is – sunlight reflected in the stream, unfurling leaves on peach tree in the spring, shooting stars, that twinkle in a grandma’s eyes, that taste of childhood in a mango slice, that joy of crossing the marathon’s finish line, that unforgettable kiss...
Submit up to 8 poems, no longer than 80 lines each, with your 100-word bio, mailing and email address to info@moonrisepress.com. Place all materials in one Word file with your last and first name in the title. Submissions not properly named or formatted will not be read. In terms of poem length, keep in mind the “trade” shape of the book, 6X9, font 12 - it will be published as a paperback, plus ePub ebook. Some poems can be previously published, but we prefer original, unpublished poetry. The selection is at the discretion of the editor. Authors receive one free copy as honorarium and may order extra copies at 30% discount.
Deadline June 30, 2022, Submit via email to info@moonrisepress.com
Inspired by the “positive psychology” movement and the Great Awakening of spiritual enlightenment, Moonrise Press will publish an anthology of “positive poetry” in English to celebrate the beauty of inspiration and renewed understanding of life, nature, being, love, cosmos, and our place within. Send your poems, if you ever had a moment of feeling that blinders fell off your eyes, that you took off your dark glasses and suddenly saw the world as it truly is – sunlight reflected in the stream, unfurling leaves on peach tree in the spring, shooting stars, that twinkle in a grandma’s eyes, that taste of childhood in a mango slice, that joy of crossing the marathon’s finish line, that unforgettable kiss...
Submit up to 8 poems, no longer than 80 lines each, with your 100-word bio, mailing and email address to info@moonrisepress.com. Place all materials in one Word file with your last and first name in the title. Submissions not properly named or formatted will not be read. In terms of poem length, keep in mind the “trade” shape of the book, 6X9, font 12 - it will be published as a paperback, plus ePub ebook. Some poems can be previously published, but we prefer original, unpublished poetry. The selection is at the discretion of the editor. Authors receive one free copy as honorarium and may order extra copies at 30% discount.
Moonrise Press Announces Pushcart Prize Nominations for 2021 - Cindy Rinne and Maja Trochimczyk

Nominations to Pushcart Prize for Best of the Small Presses were made for the following poems and short prose published by Moonrise Press in 2021. We issued four books this year and the nominations are as follows:
Cindy Rinne: “No Shortness of Breath” from Today in the Forest, 2021
Maja Trochimczyk: “A Song for a Key”, “Soap Bubbles,” and “The 23rd of July” From The Rainy Bread: More Poems from Exile, expanded edition, 2021. See information below.
Today in the Forest is a mysterious and inspired poetry and art book that will stir your imagination. This gem of a book has been created by Cindy Rinne, poet and fiber artist, and Toti O'Brien, artist, musician, and poet, with Cindy's poems and Toti's images in a delightful counterpoint of words and visions.
ISBN 978-1-945938-43-6 Color Paperback, 46 pages, $20
ISBN 978-1-945938-45-0 E-Book in PDF Format, in Distribution by lulu.com, $10
ISBN 978-1-945938-44-3 EBook in e-Pub Format, Global Distribution, $10
The full text of nominated poems is on our blog: https://moonrisepress.blogspot.com/2021/12/the-pushcart-prize-nominations-from.html
The Rainy Bread: More Poems from Exile - expanded version of book by Maja Trochimczyk, Oct. 2021
The Rainy Bread: More Poems from Exile presents 61 poems about forgotten stories of Poles living under the Soviet and German occupation during WWII, especially in the Eastern Borderlands or "Kresy." They were killed, deported, imprisoned, or starved after the invasion of Poland by the Soviet Union on September 17, 1939. Some of these brief portraits capture the trauma, resilience, ordeals, and miraculous survival stories of the author’s immediate family. Their experiences of displacement, hunger, cold, and poverty during the war are typical of Polish civilians. These fictionalized memories are coupled with depictions of survival of other Poles deported to Siberia, the Arctic Circle, or Kazakhstan; those left the Soviet Union with the Second Corps of the Polish Army under the command of General Władysław Anders; those who were transported to refugee camps in India or Africa; and ended up in Argentina, Canada, Australia or the U.S. The book is an expanded edition of The Rainy Bread: Poems from Exile (2016) and a companion to Slicing the Bread (2014). Organized into six parts – Destinations, Nowhere, Hunger Years, Resilience, There and Back, What Remains – the updated book follows a trajectory of descent into hell of deportations, imprisonment, hunger, mass murder, and the ascent into resilience and survival. At the end, the dark rain of sorrow changes into the diamond rain of delight, as life triumphs over death, love over fear.
BUY IT NOW: ISBN 978-1-945938-47-4 Paperback with color photos, 124 pp. $40.00 plus shipping ISBN 978-1-945938-01-6 E-Book, $8.00 |
Album 50-lecia Klubu Kultury im. Heleny Modrzejewskiej. Album of 50 Years of the Modjeska Club, 2021
ISBN 978-1-945938-49-8. Free PDF download, 32.4MB. 380 pages (368 +xii pp.), format 8x11.5 in.
Moonrise Press is pleased to announce the publication of the history of the Helena Modjeska Art and Culture Club, in Polish (July 2021) . Edited by dr. Maja Trochimczyk, Elżbieta Kanski and dr. Elżbieta Trybuś, this nearly 380-page volume documents 50 years of cultural activities of the Helena Modjeska Art and Culture Club in Los Angeles, established in 1971 by actor-director Leonidas Dudarew-Ossetyński and other Polish emigres in California. The volume consists of essays, interviews, lists of club's events and other documents, richly illustrated with color photographs taken over the 50 years of the Club's history. Texts by: Anna Maria Anders, Tadeusz Bociański, Krysta Close, Zofia Cybulska-Adamowicz, Dorota Czajka-Olszewska, Zofia Czajkowska, Witold Czajkowski, Leonidas Dudarew-Ossetyński, Jadwiga Inglis, Michal Jasień, Elżbieta Kański, Krystyna Kuszta, Jarosław Łasiński, Andrzej Maleski, Dr. Mira N. Mataric, Marta Ojrzyńska, Edward Piłatowicz, Maria Piłatowicz, Dr. Kleofas Rundzio, Andrzej Seweryn, Katarzyna Śmiechowicz, Jan Świder, Dr. Maja Trochimczyk, Dr. Elżbieta Trybuś and Jolanta Zych. More information, in Polish:
https://klubmodrzejewskiej.blogspot.com/2021/07/album-50-lecia-klubu-kultury-im-heleny.html. The publication of this volume was made possible by a grant awarded to Helena Modjeska Art and Culture Club by the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Los Angeles, and by the generous support of Moonrise Press. Paperback version is also available, ISBN 978-1-945938-51-1, $55.00 |
Today in the Forest - A Magical Poetry & Art Book by Cindy Rinne and Toti O'Brian

Moonrise Press announces the publication of Today in the Forest, a mysterious and inspired poetry and art book that will stir your imagination. This gem of a book has been created by Cindy Rinne, poet and fiber artist, and Toti O'Brien, artist, musician, and poet, with Cindy's poems and Toti's images in a delightful counterpoint of words and visions. The first Zoom reading is on March 21, 2021 at 4:30pm. Email Maja@moonrisepress.com for the link and login information.
"I was mesmerized reading Today in the Forest. O’Brien and Rinne have created a luminous, mythical world inhabited by a Moon Goddess, wolf-people, and various imaginative delights. It is a world destroyed or horribly threatened, yet I felt protection, care, and survival here. Today in the Forest is a poetic journey illuminated with hope and memory."
~ Stacy Russo, author of Love Activism and We Were Going to Change the World
As if in the forest all the problems of our world are being solved under the bark of trees, in an unseen parallel world, a precise and healing mythology is acted out by half human half visionary figures. Here, illustrated with powerful hand by someone who has been there, and witnessed, Toti O'Brien as master-artist, embodies the magical words of storyteller Cindy Rinne whose characters, her intimates, have allowed her to share their secrets at work. Cindy has recorded and given us a magic scroll. Toti has drawn and given us the map. We need to be here for hope.
~ Kath Abela Wilson, leader of Poets on Site, author of Figures of Humor and Strange Beauty (Glass Lyre Press, 2019)
- ISBN 978-1-945938-43-6 Color Paperback, 46 pages, $20
- ISBN 978-1-945938-45-0 E-Book in PDF Format, in Distribution by lulu.com, $10
- ISBN 978-1-945938-44-3 E-Book in e-Pub Format, Global Distribution, $10
"I was mesmerized reading Today in the Forest. O’Brien and Rinne have created a luminous, mythical world inhabited by a Moon Goddess, wolf-people, and various imaginative delights. It is a world destroyed or horribly threatened, yet I felt protection, care, and survival here. Today in the Forest is a poetic journey illuminated with hope and memory."
~ Stacy Russo, author of Love Activism and We Were Going to Change the World
As if in the forest all the problems of our world are being solved under the bark of trees, in an unseen parallel world, a precise and healing mythology is acted out by half human half visionary figures. Here, illustrated with powerful hand by someone who has been there, and witnessed, Toti O'Brien as master-artist, embodies the magical words of storyteller Cindy Rinne whose characters, her intimates, have allowed her to share their secrets at work. Cindy has recorded and given us a magic scroll. Toti has drawn and given us the map. We need to be here for hope.
~ Kath Abela Wilson, leader of Poets on Site, author of Figures of Humor and Strange Beauty (Glass Lyre Press, 2019)
Moonrise Press nominates six poets from We Are Here anthology to the Pushcart Prize 2021

Moonrise Press is pleased to announce that the editors of "We Are Here: Village Poets Anthology" - Maja Trochimczyk and Marlene Hitt - nominated to the Pushcart Prize 2021 the following poems included in the anthology:
Marlene Hitt writes about her choices: "No one knows whether a poem is 'good.' The response of the reader is the important judgement. I chose Wheatfield With Crows because, at first, I was reminded, with emotion, of my own father's death. Upon reading I found enjoyment the dreamlike inward journey of the author. Sharon Alexander's language is more than pleasing and her images inspiring. Rick Lupert in Heat brings the reader into his world on a hot, hot day as he exaggerates a bit, then teases and pleases us as with a tall tale. Joe DeCenzo, with Conversing With the Shadows points toward the mystery of one woman' state of frailty in a memoir of her life as it has encapsulized in her failing memory as that memory then failed. It renders a kind and loving tribute to all life as it begins to end. Poetry is for the poet, yes, but more for the reader and the connection of thought and emotion between the two. A poem speaks to each person with the beauty and passion which only words can do."
Maja Trochimczyk explains her selections: "I was really perplexed about the nominations from our anthology. I know it is a service to poets, and should be done, but in We Are Here there are so many amazing poems by incredibly talented poets that I was at a loss, wondering, what to do? In poetry, I am not interested in competitions and awards, but rather in expressing the infinity of human experience. When Marlene sent me her three titles, I realized I could simply pick poems that I love and that resonate with me at this particular time. I've always loved Georgia Jones Davis's Monumental Dog - the compassion for the hapless animal, sent by her trusted caretaker into the orbit, to certain death; the vivid portrait of a communist country, where life is not valued at all. I'm from Poland and I remember stories about this dog on our national news; though, back then, nobody eulogized her sacrifice. There was just praise for the technological triumph of Soviets over Americans in the space race... Katerina Canyon's Feet is another perennial favorite, perhaps because my Mom had not washed my feet like that, and neither did I wash hers. There was something profoundly amiss in our relationship that I only understood after my Mom died and I found my desperate letters to her written when I was six years old. I learned to write in order to tell her how much I loved her when she abandoned us for some mysterious lover and was gone for almost two years. I completely blocked that memory and I only know it happened because I now have those letters. I guess it was through the longing of an abandoned child that found such intense beauty in filial love and devotion, captured so vividly by Canyon. Finally, Mariano Zaro's Synapse about the poignant last days of his father, expertly weaves personal emotion with scientific descriptions of the mystery of the brain at the end of life."
Edited by Marlene Hitt and Maja Trochimczyk, and entitled We Are Here: Village Poetry Anthology, this collection celebrates the 10th anniversary of Village Poets Monthly Poetry Readings. The volume presents 80 poets featured during the monthly readings at Bolton Hall Museum in Tujunga, CA as well as the group of current and former Poets Laureate of Sunland-Tujunga who organize the readings. In addition to its home base at the Bolton Hall Museum, the Village Poets have also had occasional visits to the McGroarty Arts Center, the former home of the California Poet-Laureate in 1933-1944, John Steven McGroarty. His Poet-Laureate title inspired the local Poet-Laureate program, established in 1999. The editors are both former Poets-Laureate of Sunland-Tujunga: Marlene Hitt was the First, in 1999-2001 and Dr. Maja Trochimczyk served as the Sixth in 2010-2012 when the readings were initiated. https://lmoonrisepress.blogspot.com/2020/12/2021-pushcart-prize-nominations-from-we.html
- Sharon Alexander, “Wheatfield with Crows” -p.8
- Katerina Canyon, “Feet” -p. 171
- Joe DeCenzo, “Conversing with Shadows” p. 181
- Georgia Jones Davis, “Monumental Dog” – p. 63
- Rick Lupert, “Heat” – p. 87
- Mariano Zaro, “Synapse” – p. 157
Marlene Hitt writes about her choices: "No one knows whether a poem is 'good.' The response of the reader is the important judgement. I chose Wheatfield With Crows because, at first, I was reminded, with emotion, of my own father's death. Upon reading I found enjoyment the dreamlike inward journey of the author. Sharon Alexander's language is more than pleasing and her images inspiring. Rick Lupert in Heat brings the reader into his world on a hot, hot day as he exaggerates a bit, then teases and pleases us as with a tall tale. Joe DeCenzo, with Conversing With the Shadows points toward the mystery of one woman' state of frailty in a memoir of her life as it has encapsulized in her failing memory as that memory then failed. It renders a kind and loving tribute to all life as it begins to end. Poetry is for the poet, yes, but more for the reader and the connection of thought and emotion between the two. A poem speaks to each person with the beauty and passion which only words can do."
Maja Trochimczyk explains her selections: "I was really perplexed about the nominations from our anthology. I know it is a service to poets, and should be done, but in We Are Here there are so many amazing poems by incredibly talented poets that I was at a loss, wondering, what to do? In poetry, I am not interested in competitions and awards, but rather in expressing the infinity of human experience. When Marlene sent me her three titles, I realized I could simply pick poems that I love and that resonate with me at this particular time. I've always loved Georgia Jones Davis's Monumental Dog - the compassion for the hapless animal, sent by her trusted caretaker into the orbit, to certain death; the vivid portrait of a communist country, where life is not valued at all. I'm from Poland and I remember stories about this dog on our national news; though, back then, nobody eulogized her sacrifice. There was just praise for the technological triumph of Soviets over Americans in the space race... Katerina Canyon's Feet is another perennial favorite, perhaps because my Mom had not washed my feet like that, and neither did I wash hers. There was something profoundly amiss in our relationship that I only understood after my Mom died and I found my desperate letters to her written when I was six years old. I learned to write in order to tell her how much I loved her when she abandoned us for some mysterious lover and was gone for almost two years. I completely blocked that memory and I only know it happened because I now have those letters. I guess it was through the longing of an abandoned child that found such intense beauty in filial love and devotion, captured so vividly by Canyon. Finally, Mariano Zaro's Synapse about the poignant last days of his father, expertly weaves personal emotion with scientific descriptions of the mystery of the brain at the end of life."
Edited by Marlene Hitt and Maja Trochimczyk, and entitled We Are Here: Village Poetry Anthology, this collection celebrates the 10th anniversary of Village Poets Monthly Poetry Readings. The volume presents 80 poets featured during the monthly readings at Bolton Hall Museum in Tujunga, CA as well as the group of current and former Poets Laureate of Sunland-Tujunga who organize the readings. In addition to its home base at the Bolton Hall Museum, the Village Poets have also had occasional visits to the McGroarty Arts Center, the former home of the California Poet-Laureate in 1933-1944, John Steven McGroarty. His Poet-Laureate title inspired the local Poet-Laureate program, established in 1999. The editors are both former Poets-Laureate of Sunland-Tujunga: Marlene Hitt was the First, in 1999-2001 and Dr. Maja Trochimczyk served as the Sixth in 2010-2012 when the readings were initiated. https://lmoonrisepress.blogspot.com/2020/12/2021-pushcart-prize-nominations-from-we.html
An Alphabet of Birds by Toti O'Brien, a Prose Collection inspired by Daily Nature (October 2020)

Moonrise Press is pleased to announce the publication of An Alphabet of Birds by Toti O'Brien in October 2020. This prose collection of 34 short stories describes the vagaries of birds, animals, plants, seen and described by a keen and talented observer. The author has patience, a gift of attentive focus on their behaviors and transformation, and a talent to write down the reflections on the meaning of these behaviors and transformation in the constant flow of daily life. Toti O'Brien author is a multi-talented poet, writer, artist, musician, and a friend of all living beings, the whole Earth.
BUY IT NOW: ISBN 978-1-945938-41-2, paperback, 184 pages, $15.00
BUY IT NOW: ISBN 978-1-945938-42-9, ebook in ePub format, $10.00
ABOUT THIS BOOK. An Alphabet of Birds encompasses an entire bestiary, from its namesake birds to the squirrel that owns the narrator’s backyard to the bears that own the salmon streams. The ground of these short prose pieces is everyday life, the “daily display of splendor.” Toti O’Brien invokes a world where what is wry and wise meets what is whimsical and surreal. Questions tumble, pile on top of one another, full of possibilities and speculation. O’Brien’s language has a rolling rhythm that unspools like an incantation. Fall under her spell and journey with her into the mysteries of the quotidian. ~ Cynthia Anderson, author of Now Voyager and Route
More information and Table of Contents: https://moonrisepress.blogspot.com/2020/09/an-alphabet-of-birds-stories-from-home.html
BUY IT NOW: ISBN 978-1-945938-41-2, paperback, 184 pages, $15.00
BUY IT NOW: ISBN 978-1-945938-42-9, ebook in ePub format, $10.00
ABOUT THIS BOOK. An Alphabet of Birds encompasses an entire bestiary, from its namesake birds to the squirrel that owns the narrator’s backyard to the bears that own the salmon streams. The ground of these short prose pieces is everyday life, the “daily display of splendor.” Toti O’Brien invokes a world where what is wry and wise meets what is whimsical and surreal. Questions tumble, pile on top of one another, full of possibilities and speculation. O’Brien’s language has a rolling rhythm that unspools like an incantation. Fall under her spell and journey with her into the mysteries of the quotidian. ~ Cynthia Anderson, author of Now Voyager and Route
More information and Table of Contents: https://moonrisepress.blogspot.com/2020/09/an-alphabet-of-birds-stories-from-home.html
We Are Here: Village Poets Anthology edited by Maja Trochimczyk and Marlene Hitt (September 2020)

Edited by Maja Trochimczyk and Marlene Hitt, this anthology with work by over 80 American poets celebrates the tenth anniversary of Village Poets Monthly Readings, held since 2010 at Bolton Hall Museum in Tujunga, California - a Historical Landmark in the City of Los Angeles. The Village Poets have also held events at the McGroarty Arts Center, the former home of the California Poet-Laureate in 1933-1944, John Steven McGroarty. His Poet-Laureate role inspired the local Poet-Laureate program, initiated in 1999. The anthology's editors are both former Poets-Laureate of Sunland-Tujunga: Marlene Hitt was the First, in 1999-2001 and Dr. Maja Trochimczyk served as the Sixth in 2010-2012 when the readings were initiated. The book consists of two parts: Guests and Featured Poets, represented by 1-3 poems each; and Poets-Laureate, with 10 poets, represented by 6-9 poems each. A list of Village Poets Readings, a brief history of the program, and biographies of the poets are included.
Read the list of poets and bios of editors on Moonrise Press Blog.
BUY IT NOW: ISBN 978-1-945938-39-9 - paperback, 290 pp., $22.00
BUY IT NOW: ISBN 978-1-945938-40-5 - eBook, ePub format, $10.00
Edited by Maja Trochimczyk and Marlene Hitt, this anthology with work by over 80 American poets celebrates the tenth anniversary of Village Poets Monthly Readings, held since 2010 at Bolton Hall Museum in Tujunga, California - a Historical Landmark in the City of Los Angeles. The Village Poets have also held events at the McGroarty Arts Center, the former home of the California Poet-Laureate in 1933-1944, John Steven McGroarty. His Poet-Laureate role inspired the local Poet-Laureate program, initiated in 1999. The anthology's editors are both former Poets-Laureate of Sunland-Tujunga: Marlene Hitt was the First, in 1999-2001 and Dr. Maja Trochimczyk served as the Sixth in 2010-2012 when the readings were initiated. The book consists of two parts: Guests and Featured Poets, represented by 1-3 poems each; and Poets-Laureate, with 10 poets, represented by 6-9 poems each. A list of Village Poets Readings, a brief history of the program, and biographies of the poets are included.
Read the list of poets and bios of editors on Moonrise Press Blog.
BUY IT NOW: ISBN 978-1-945938-39-9 - paperback, 290 pp., $22.00
BUY IT NOW: ISBN 978-1-945938-40-5 - eBook, ePub format, $10.00
A New Book on Krzysztof Penderecki and Henryk Mikolaj Górecki by Andrzej Wendland (2019)

Moonrise Prees is proud to announce the publication of e-Book version (PDF Format) of a book by Andrzej Wendland, with two studies of music, published in Poland in 2018 and in the U.S. (e-book only) in 2019. Entitled Górecki, Penderecki - Diptych and celebrating the 85th birth anniversary of both composers. Born in 1933, Górecki died in 2010 and Penderecki in 2020. They are recognized as two most important Polish composers of the second half of the 20th century. The book consists of two extended essays: a) "Two Tristan Postuldes and Chorale. Górecki – Wagner, intelektual reflection" and b) "Elegy for the Dying Forest - Krzysztof Penderecki VIII Symfonia „Lieder der Vergänglichkeit” The paperback edition is only available in Poland, and includes essays in Polish and English. The PDF Book edition is available from lulu.com worldwide, and is in English only. Cover design by Maja Trochimczyk. The essays, translated into English by Maja Trochimczyk, deal with "Two Tristan Postludes and Chorale" by Henryk Mikolaj Górecki (1933-2010) and The Eight Symphony by Krzysztof Penderecki (1933-2020). They draw from philosophy, aesthetic and poetry of importance to each composer to place each work in a broad cultural context. For more information: http://moonrisepress.blogspot.com/2019/09/new-music-book-andrzej-wendlands.html
Call for Poems for the Village Poets Anthology, celebrating 10th Anniversary of Bolton Hall Readings

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Village Poets Monthly Poetry Readings at Bolton Hall Museum, in Tujunga, CA, Moonrise Press will issue an anthology of Featured Poets and frequent guests sustaining the VP Readings over the past decade, 2010-2020. Edited by Marlene Hitt and Maja Trochimczyk, the anthology will provide a portrait of our poets and documentation of our readings. It will be published in paperback and ePub e-book formats, distributed by Barnes & Noble, Amazon and other booksellers, as well as via Moonrise Press. Each featured poet is invited to submit 1-3 poems (fitting on up to two page 6X9, standard trade book size), a brief biography (150 words), and a portrait. A favorite photo from the readings is also welcome. Guests who frequently read their work during the monthly events are also invited to submit their work. The poems may be previously published, if they are a favorite of their authors. More information: http://moonrisepress.blogspot.com/2019/10/call-for-submissions-to-village-poets.html.
Moonrise Press at the 2019 Independence Day Parade in Sunland Tujunga
Moonrise Press was a proud sponsor of the 2019 Independence Day Parade - supporting the cost of decorations of the poets' convertible (Village Poets), and the printing of postcards with poems and "America the Beautiful" given away to the audience. In 2019, the Poets Convertible was staffed by poets Maja Trochimczyk and Susan Rogers, scientist Barbara Nowicka, and Polish Film Festival's president, Elizabeth Kanski. Poet Joe DeCenzo and Josephine carried the banner.

Moonrise Press announces its nominations to the Pushcart Prizes for the year 2018.
All "Pushcart Prize" nominations for 2018 are from the "Grateful Conversations" anthology of Westside Women Writers, edited by Kathi Stafford an Maja Trochimczyk, and published in May 2018. The nominations were selected jointly by both editors, who, obviously, could not nominate each other.
Moonrise Press announces its nominations to the Pushcart Prizes for the year 2018.
All "Pushcart Prize" nominations for 2018 are from the "Grateful Conversations" anthology of Westside Women Writers, edited by Kathi Stafford an Maja Trochimczyk, and published in May 2018. The nominations were selected jointly by both editors, who, obviously, could not nominate each other.
- Grateful Conversations Never Had, Millicent Borges Accardi (P. 5)
- Sophie and Vincent, Madeleine S. Butcher (P. 34)
- Harp Player, Susan Rogers (P. 18)
- In that Banat Land, Sonya Sabanac (P. 54)
- Sweet Fire Dance of Dissent, Ambika Talwar (P. 219)
Gardens of the Earth: According to Nature - new Poetry Volume by Margaret Saine (September 2018)

"Gardens of the Earth: According to Nature" by Margaret Saine is a poetic exploration of nature tamed and shaped by humans, nature that in turn shapes the gardeners and gives them a purpose, a cause for action, and a reason for reflection. Saine's inspired trip to the garden includes the seasons, rain and sunlight, multi-colored blossoms, and lots of birds. She shares her delight in gardens and gardening with a host of contemporary poets and friends and the renowned gardeners of the past. The book includes a separate section on trees, and is richly illustrated by Saine's own photographs, with the characteristic interplay of light and shadow, clouds and mists. Certain poems are translated into French, German, and Italian.
ISBN 978-1-945938-25-2 (paperback), $18.00
ISBN 978-1-945938-26-9 (color paperback), $40.00
ISBN 978-1-945938-27-6 (ebook in ePub format), forthcoming
More information on our blog: http://moonrisepress.blogspot.com/2018/09/announcing-new-poetry-volume-by.html
ISBN 978-1-945938-25-2 (paperback), $18.00
ISBN 978-1-945938-26-9 (color paperback), $40.00
ISBN 978-1-945938-27-6 (ebook in ePub format), forthcoming
More information on our blog: http://moonrisepress.blogspot.com/2018/09/announcing-new-poetry-volume-by.html
Grateful Conversations: A Poetry Anthology edited by Maja Trochimczyk and Kathi Stafford (May 2018)

May 2018, Paperback, 280 pp., black/white illustrations, ISBN 978-1-945938-22-1 ($24.80)
Color Paperback, 280 pages with color illustrations ISBN 978-1-945938-24-5 ($98.00)
E-Book in EPUB format with color illustrations ISBN 978-1-945938-23-8 ($10.00)
Moonrise Press is pleased to announce the publication of Grateful Conversations: A Poetry Anthology, edited by Maja Trochimczyk and Kathi Stafford. Grateful Conversations is a portrait of a group of female poets from California, who come together each month to hone their craft and share their verse. Known as Westside Women Writers and active as a group since 2008, they include Millicent Borges Accardi, Madeleine S. Butcher, Georgia Jones Davis, Lois P. Jones, Susan Rogers, Kathi Stafford, Sonya Sabanac, Ambika Talwar and Maja Trochimczyk. In the words of the WWW founder, Millicent Borges Accardi, this is “a community of women writers working together to support each other with strong attention to craft, to grow as writers and as people in community.” The volume includes poems written for seven workshops and self-portraits in poetry of the nine writers.
May 2018, Paperback, 280 pp., black/white illustrations, ISBN 978-1-945938-22-1 ($24.80)
Color Paperback, 280 pages with color illustrations ISBN 978-1-945938-24-5 ($98.00)
E-Book in EPUB format with color illustrations ISBN 978-1-945938-23-8 ($10.00)
Moonrise Press is pleased to announce the publication of Grateful Conversations: A Poetry Anthology, edited by Maja Trochimczyk and Kathi Stafford. Grateful Conversations is a portrait of a group of female poets from California, who come together each month to hone their craft and share their verse. Known as Westside Women Writers and active as a group since 2008, they include Millicent Borges Accardi, Madeleine S. Butcher, Georgia Jones Davis, Lois P. Jones, Susan Rogers, Kathi Stafford, Sonya Sabanac, Ambika Talwar and Maja Trochimczyk. In the words of the WWW founder, Millicent Borges Accardi, this is “a community of women writers working together to support each other with strong attention to craft, to grow as writers and as people in community.” The volume includes poems written for seven workshops and self-portraits in poetry of the nine writers.
Górecki in Context: Essays on Music edited by Maja Trochimczyk (December 2017)

This volume gathers interviews and studies of the music of the Polish composer, Henryk Mikołaj Górecki (1933-2010). Contributors include the composer himself – in a series of interviews spanning his entire career, from 1962 to 2008 – as well as leading Górecki scholars from Poland, the U.K., the U.S., and Australia. Chapters highlight three of the four symphonies: the Second Copernican (Kinga Kiwała), the Third, The Symphony of Sorrowful Songs (Maja Trochimczyk) and the Fourth Tansman Episodes (Andrzej Wendland). Two studies by eminent Polish scholar and Górecki’s personal friend, Prof. Teresa Malecka present the composer’s links to Polish musical traditions and an overview of his piano music. An overview of Górecki’s life and career and a case study of his visit to Los Angeles in 1997, when he conducted his Third Symphony for the first time outside of Poland, round up the volume. The collection includes also a list of works, music examples, portraits, photographs, and a bibliography. 420 pages, paperback, $40.00. ISBN 9781945938108. Order your copy here.
E-Book, in E-Pub Format: ISBN 978-1-945938-11-5 Book I: Ch.1-7; ISBN 978-1-945938-19-1 Book II: Ch.8-10; ISBN 978-1-945938-20-7 Book III: Ch.11-13; ISBN 978-1-945938-21-4 Book IV: Ch.14-end; More details on Moonrise Press blog: http://moonrisepress.blogspot.com/2017/08/announcing-publication-of-gorecki-in.html
and on this website: http://www.moonrisepress.com/gorecki-in-context-by-maja-trochimczyk.html
E-Book, in E-Pub Format: ISBN 978-1-945938-11-5 Book I: Ch.1-7; ISBN 978-1-945938-19-1 Book II: Ch.8-10; ISBN 978-1-945938-20-7 Book III: Ch.11-13; ISBN 978-1-945938-21-4 Book IV: Ch.14-end; More details on Moonrise Press blog: http://moonrisepress.blogspot.com/2017/08/announcing-publication-of-gorecki-in.html
and on this website: http://www.moonrisepress.com/gorecki-in-context-by-maja-trochimczyk.html
Our First Fiction Book in Polish - Odwrócony Dom (Inverted House) by Hanna Kulenty-Majoor

Moonrise Press is proud to announce the publication of its first fiction book in Polish, "Odwrócony Dom" [The Inverted House] by Hanna Kulenty-Majoor, a Polish-Dutch composer. The 580+ page book is available here, from our distributor, lulu.com. Hanna Kulenty-Majoor is the author of more than a hundred compositions (solo, chamber music, symphonies, opera, theater and film). Her works have been performed on all continents and she taught at many music institutions (Poland, USA, Canada, Great Britain, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Spain, and Lithuania). In 1990 she was a guest composer of the DAAD in Berlin and now is a professor in Bydgoszcz, Poland. She is the laureate of many awards. In 2003, her First Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra won the 50th International Rostrum of Composers and Mozart Medal from UNESCO International Music Council. Kulenty'-Majoor's first book "Odwrocony Dom" /"The Inverted House" consists of two parts. Initially, it was an attempt to quickly record a collection of strange dreams and visions. She added facts from her life, philosophical thoughts and fantasies. Is it surrealism or realism? ... The "Odwrocony Dom" is inverted or reflected in the mirror - as in an image by Magritte. More information about the book and music is on our blog.
New Poems of Insight and Wisdom - Lit Angels by Margaret Saine

Published in February 2017, Margaret Saine's Lit Angels (=Literature Angels ~ Angels of Light) is a collection of poetry inspired by literature and the arts. Written in English, the volume includes several translations into German, Arabic, French and Italian. Poet Mani Suri considers this book as an "elegant, wise, and worldly oeuvre - a distilled reflection of her sagesse and sophistication." Virginia Jasmin Pasalo observes that "like her photography, Ute’s poems breathe movement, shadow and light that immediately transports the reader to the experience of moving within the social fabric of her woven words." The book of 96 pages presents over 70 poems and is illustrated with 14 photographs. The first reading took place on Sunday, February 26, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. at the Bolton Hall Museum, Tujunga, CA 91042.
BUY IT NOW: Paperback, ISBN 978-1-945938-02-3, $15.00;
BUY IT NOW: Color Paperback, ISBN 978-1-945938-04-7, $35.00,
BUY IT NOW: EBook, ISBN 978-1-945938-05-4, $10.00.
BUY IT NOW: Paperback, ISBN 978-1-945938-02-3, $15.00;
BUY IT NOW: Color Paperback, ISBN 978-1-945938-04-7, $35.00,
BUY IT NOW: EBook, ISBN 978-1-945938-05-4, $10.00.
The Rainy Bread: Poems from Exile by Maja Trochimczyk commemorate Poles Deported to Siberia

“The Rainy Bread: Poems of Exile” by Maja Trochimczyk includes 30 poems about forgotten stories of Poles living in the Eastern Borderlands of Kresy, who were killed, deported, imprisoned, or oppressed after the invasion of Poland by the Soviet Union on September 17, 1939. Some of these brief portraits capture the trauma and resilience, ordeals and miraculous survival stories of the author’s immediate family. Her maternal family comes from Baranowicze and the surrounding area near Adam Mickiewicz’s Nowogródek and the mythical lake of Świteź in what is now Belarus. Their experiences of displacement, hunger, cold, and poverty during the war are typical of Polish civilians. These fictionalized memories are coupled with depictions of survival of other Poles deported to Siberia, the Arctic Circle, or Kazakhstan; who left the Soviet Union with the Second Corps of the Polish Army under General Władysław Anders; were transported to refugee camps in India or Africa; and ended up in Argentina, Canada, Australia or the U.S. The book is a companion to “Slicing the Bread: Children’s Survival Manual in 25 Poems” (Finishing Line Press, 2014), with which it shares some poems, including vignettes from the author’s childhood in Warsaw, permeated by the strange rhetoric of the Polish People’s Republic, yet still overshadowed by the war.
ISBN 9781945938009, paperback, 64 pages, $10.00; ISBN 9781945938016, eBook, $8.00
ISBN 9781945938009, paperback, 64 pages, $10.00; ISBN 9781945938016, eBook, $8.00
Words of Wisdom in Into Light: Poems and Incantations by Maja Trochimczyk

This poetry and meditation collection presents 36 poems and 12 "incantations" that focus on the intertwined spiritual concepts of Light and Love. The poems, initially written within the Catholic mystical tradition of contemplation and adoration of the Divine presence, gradually evolved to encompass a broader scope of spiritual insights, without losing the main focus: reaching out in Love to the One Light, the Source of All. The simple and repetitive meditations and incantations are meant to inspire, uplift, and fill the heart with Light and Love. The book includes poems for group recitation, meditations on light, brief affirmation, meditations on energy centers (chakras), poems about the Cardinal Virtues, about finding love and peace in the busy world, about Eliah, Madonna, whales, the Universe, trees, streams, midnight sky, and more...
Available as a Full Color Paperback of 84 pages in a standard trade size 6' by 9' (ISBN 978-1-945938-14-6 $40.00) and as an E-Book in the EPUB Format, ISBN 978-1-945938-15-3, $10.00).
Available as a Full Color Paperback of 84 pages in a standard trade size 6' by 9' (ISBN 978-1-945938-14-6 $40.00) and as an E-Book in the EPUB Format, ISBN 978-1-945938-15-3, $10.00).
Study Polish Theater in America: The Maska Dramatic Circle: Polish American Theater in Schenectady, NY (1933-1942) by Phyllis Zych Budka

Moonrise Press announces a new publication in its series dedicated to Polish Music and Culture: The Maska Dramatic Circle: Polish American Theater in Schenectady, New York (1933-1943) by Phyllis Zych Budka appeared in May 2016 in a large format (8 1/2 by 11 in), to accommodate its many facsimile of hitherto unknown historical documents. Instead of a typical E-Pub format, the e-book is also issued as a PDF, due to the large number of scans and examples.
Designed initially as a family history and based on documents found in an attic, the book was inspired by the involvement of the author's parents Stanley Zych and Sophie Korycinski Zych in the Maska Dramatic Circle in the 1930s and 1940s.The richly illustrated volume presents a detailed history of the Maska Theatrical Circle, a theater group active in Schenectady, NY, before and during WWII. The group included many young Polish Americans and played an important role in the community. Read more about this book on Moonrise Press Blog.
ISBN 978-0-9963981-4-5 (paperback), $30.00, x plus 254 pages
ISBN 978-0-9963981-5-2 (eBook – PDF format), $10.00 download
Designed initially as a family history and based on documents found in an attic, the book was inspired by the involvement of the author's parents Stanley Zych and Sophie Korycinski Zych in the Maska Dramatic Circle in the 1930s and 1940s.The richly illustrated volume presents a detailed history of the Maska Theatrical Circle, a theater group active in Schenectady, NY, before and during WWII. The group included many young Polish Americans and played an important role in the community. Read more about this book on Moonrise Press Blog.
ISBN 978-0-9963981-4-5 (paperback), $30.00, x plus 254 pages
ISBN 978-0-9963981-5-2 (eBook – PDF format), $10.00 download
Space and Spatialization in Contemporary Music - Maria Anna Harley's Dissertation Available in Print

The 1994 doctoral dissertation by Maria Anna Harley is now available in paperback (large format) and PDF format. The dissertation was presented at the Faculty of Music, McGill University in Montreal, Canada, and was written under the academic supervision of Professors Bo Alphonce and Susan McClary.
ABSTRACT: This dissertation presents the history of space in the musical thought of the 20th century (from Kurth to Clifton, from Varese to Xenakis) and outlines the development of spatialization in the theory and practice of contemporary music (after 1950). The text emphasizes perceptual and temporal aspects of musical spatiality, thus reflecting the close connection of space and time in human experience. A new definition of spatialization draws from Ingarden's notion of the musical work; a typology of spatial designs embraces music for different acoustic environments, movements of performers and audiences, various positions of musicians in space, etc. The study of spatialization includes a survey of the composers's writings (lves, Boulez, Stockhausen, Cage, etc.) and an examination of their works. The final part presents three unique approaches to spatialization: Brant's simultaneity of sound layers, Xenakis's movement of sound, and Schafer's music of ritual and soundscape.
Paperback: 482 pages 8.5 in. X 11 in., black and white interior with color cover, ISBN 9780996398169, $40.00.
PDF Download, $34.89MB, ISBN 9780996398176, $10.00.
ABSTRACT: This dissertation presents the history of space in the musical thought of the 20th century (from Kurth to Clifton, from Varese to Xenakis) and outlines the development of spatialization in the theory and practice of contemporary music (after 1950). The text emphasizes perceptual and temporal aspects of musical spatiality, thus reflecting the close connection of space and time in human experience. A new definition of spatialization draws from Ingarden's notion of the musical work; a typology of spatial designs embraces music for different acoustic environments, movements of performers and audiences, various positions of musicians in space, etc. The study of spatialization includes a survey of the composers's writings (lves, Boulez, Stockhausen, Cage, etc.) and an examination of their works. The final part presents three unique approaches to spatialization: Brant's simultaneity of sound layers, Xenakis's movement of sound, and Schafer's music of ritual and soundscape.
Paperback: 482 pages 8.5 in. X 11 in., black and white interior with color cover, ISBN 9780996398169, $40.00.
PDF Download, $34.89MB, ISBN 9780996398176, $10.00.
Across the Atlantic: The Adamowicz Brothers, Polish Aviation Pioneers by Reklewska-Braun and Braun

During the summer of 1934, two Polish amateur-pilots, Joe (Józef) and Ben (Bolesław) Adamowicz, who immigrated to the US more than twenty years earlier, flew over the Atlantic on a single-engine plane Bellanca. Their trip took them from New York to Warsaw; they were the first Poles to do so. They became instant celebrities, favorites of the journalists, photographers, and the public on both sides of the Atlantic. Alas, their triumph was short-lived, followed by a fall from grace, to imprisonment and bankruptcy. This richly illustrated book brings to life their forgotten story. Written by a historian, journalist and educator Zofia Reklewska-Braun and director, writer, scholar, and author of over 50 books, Dr. Kazimierz Braun, this book was originally published in Poland in 2011.
by Zofia Reklewska-Braun and Kazimierz Braun, September 2015
ISBN 978-0-9963981-2-1, paperback, ISBN 978-0-9963981-3-8, e-Book (ePub format), 4.97MB
by Zofia Reklewska-Braun and Kazimierz Braun, September 2015
ISBN 978-0-9963981-2-1, paperback, ISBN 978-0-9963981-3-8, e-Book (ePub format), 4.97MB
Mud in Magic, the Second Poetry Book by Beverly M. Collins. of Feminine Wisdom and Wit

Beverly M. Collins’s "Mud in Magic" is her second poetry book, filled with the wisdom of experience. Her skillful and often aphoristic or narrative poems portray a scene or a character that we could encounter on our streets, in our cafes. The poems are organized into three parts: Thought Bistro (Part I), Tinder Flames (Part II), and Elixir Café (Part III). The beauty and wonder of daily life fill these pages and delight the readers. Beverly M. Collins is fourth in a family of five daughters. Although born in Milford, Delaware, Bev is a Jersey-girl to the bone. She is also a graduate of Taylor Business Institute, a great admirer of Art who carries a deep appreciation and respect for other Artists. As a singer, Collins is a former national finalist for Talent America. As a poet, she is one of three 2012 prize winners for the California State Poetry Society. Her works appear in a growing number of publications, such as the California Quarterly, the San Gabriel Valley Poetry Quarterly, anthologies by Poets on Site, and more.
Paperback:, 96 pages, $15.00, ISBN 978-0-996398-1-0-7. E-Book, $8.00; ISBN 978-0-996398-1-1-4
Paperback:, 96 pages, $15.00, ISBN 978-0-996398-1-0-7. E-Book, $8.00; ISBN 978-0-996398-1-1-4
Marlene Hitt's Clocks and Water Drops - Poetry of Luminous "Small Things" and Treasures

"Clocks and Water Drops" is the first full-length collection of poetry by Marlene Hitt, the first Poet Laureate of Sunland-Tujunga, a former Director at the Bolton Hall Museum, a local historian, poet, and community activist. The book of reflections about her life, family and neighborhood changing through the decades, includes 73 poems in sections dedicated to: Children, Marriages, Portraits, Neighbors, Seasons, Small Things, Passages, and Farewells.The title captures the poet’s fascination with the flow of time, as relentless and powerful as drops of water that can shape rocks and move mountains. Poet Jack Cooper praises Hitt’s "astute and thoughtful voice" while Kath Abela Wilson admires her “confident and consistent phrasing, and exacting vision."
Published in April 2015. $15. ISBN 978-0-9819693-5-0
Published in April 2015. $15. ISBN 978-0-9819693-5-0
Ed Rosenthal's The Desert Hat - Survival Poems about Being Lost and Found in the Mojave Desert

This volume of poetry was inspired by a six-and-a-half-day ordeal of Ed Rosenthal, a Poet-Broker, who survived alone after being lost in the Mojave Desert in September 2010. An experienced hiker, he unexpectedly veered far away from his usual route and could not find his way back. He found refuge in Salvation Canyon where he was several times missed by search-and-rescue aircraft and helicopters. Finally, miraculously, he was found by San Bernardino Sheriff's Deputies. The wry, surreal, and reflective poems in The Desert Hat: Survival Poems describe the spiritual trajectory of a survivor living through a close encounter with death, starting from alienation in a corporate urban environment and ending with the post-trauma reflections about life and natural environment.
The book consists of 36 poems organized in four sections, reflecting the distinct stages in the spiritual and personal journey, from getting off track, through searching for a way back, hallucinations in a hostile desert environment, finding shelter in the shade of Salvation Canyon, being rescued, and experiencing the world after the return from the brink of death. The title alludes to a canvas hat that Rosenthal used as a notebook and helped the lost poet control his thoughts, capture emotions, and write down his last will and a farewell to his wife and daughter. This is Ed Rosenthal's first book-length publication.
Paperback edition: ISBN 978-0-9819693-7-4, 74 pages, $15.00.
E-Book, $10.00, ISBN 978-0-9819693-9-8
The book consists of 36 poems organized in four sections, reflecting the distinct stages in the spiritual and personal journey, from getting off track, through searching for a way back, hallucinations in a hostile desert environment, finding shelter in the shade of Salvation Canyon, being rescued, and experiencing the world after the return from the brink of death. The title alludes to a canvas hat that Rosenthal used as a notebook and helped the lost poet control his thoughts, capture emotions, and write down his last will and a farewell to his wife and daughter. This is Ed Rosenthal's first book-length publication.
Paperback edition: ISBN 978-0-9819693-7-4, 74 pages, $15.00.
E-Book, $10.00, ISBN 978-0-9819693-9-8
Meditations on Divine Names - An Anthology of Spiritual Poetry Edited by Maja Trochimczyk

editations on Divine Names is an anthology of contemporary poetry on religious themes, featuring 140 poems by 64 poets, associated with diverse spiritual traditions. Their poems represent: various branches of Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Kabbalah, Wicca, Sukyo Mahikari, and ancient Greek, Egyptian, Hawaiian, and Slavic religions. The poets belong to different religions or religious denominations. They see the manifestations of the divine in many aspects of life - personal prayer, religious ceremonies, singing of psalms, family relationships, nature, sun, sky, bread making, loving, and love making. They admire the colors of the sky and the liquid nourishment of water. The clarity of mountain air and the gentleness of human touch. From the four letters of YHWH to Lada or Pele, the anthology catalogs some unusual divine names. Poets reflect on the act of naming, the facts of knowing and unknowing of our God(s). They give testimony to their hopes and beliefs, and share what they find beautiful and inspirational, or, sometimes, disturbing. There is darkness around and death, but the poets look for ways to ascend above, to reach illumination. The book is divided into ten paired sections: Naming, Names, Earth, Water, Air, Fire, He, She, Being, and Loving. More...
Paperback: 216 pages, with an index. Published in July 2012. ISBN 978-0-9819693-8-1 - $21 (lulu.com).
Paperback: 216 pages, with an index. Published in July 2012. ISBN 978-0-9819693-8-1 - $21 (lulu.com).
Chopin with Cherries: A Tribute in Verse - An Anthology Edited by Maja Trochimczyk

This anthology of contemporary poetry celebrates the 200th birth anniversary of Fryderyk Chopin (1810-1849). The volume presents 123 poems by 92 poets, including: Sharon Chmielarz, T. S. Eliot, Charles Ades Fishman, Linda Nemec Foster, Emily Fragos, John Z. Guzlowski, Lola Haskins, Oriana Ivy, Lois P. Jones, Leonard Kress, Emma Lazarus, Marie Lecrivain, Jeffrey Levine, Amy Lowell, Rick Lupert, Mira N. Mataric, Elisabeth Murawski, Ruth Nolan, Cyprian Kamil Norwid, William Pillin, Russell Salamon, Katrin Talbot, Mark Tardi, Devi Walders, Kath Abela Wilson, and others. The book is illustrated with vintage Chopin postcards and includes the translation of "Chopin's Piano" by Norwid (Fortepian Szopena) by Leonard Kress.
Published in February 2010. ISBN 978-0-9819693-0-5. 256 pages. Available in Paperback Edition ($23.00) or PDF Download ($10.00). Read more about this anthology, including review excerpts.
Published in February 2010. ISBN 978-0-9819693-0-5. 256 pages. Available in Paperback Edition ($23.00) or PDF Download ($10.00). Read more about this anthology, including review excerpts.
Miriam's Iris or Angels in the Garden - Poetry by Maja Trochimczyk

Maja Trochimczyk 's first poetry collection describes a personal, spiritual evolution, symbolized by appearances of six angels: Amor, the angel of romance; Eros, the angel of desire; Eloe, the angel of sorrow; Thanatos, the angel of death; Ellenai, the angel of consolation; and Sophia, the angel of wisdom. The hardcover edition includes nature photographs by the author. You may read a sample of poems and see photographs here. Published in 2008. Paperback (First Edition): ISBN 978-0-578-00166-1 - $12.00. Hardcover with Color Photos (Second Edition 126 pp.): ISBN 978-0-9819693-2-9 - $48.00. PDF Download: ISBN 978-0-9819693-2-9 - $10.00.
"Rarely does one find a book of poetry which holds together as well as Miriam's Iris. Although presented as a collection of individual poems, it reads like it was composed as a whole, as a single poem of multiple parts. . . Miriam's Iris is a strong demonstration of how poetry can evoke emotion without getting bogged down in the details of one's affairs. Along the way it provides some wisdom about finding one's place, accepting what one is given." ~G. Murray Thomas, Poetix.net, Feb. 2010
"Rarely does one find a book of poetry which holds together as well as Miriam's Iris. Although presented as a collection of individual poems, it reads like it was composed as a whole, as a single poem of multiple parts. . . Miriam's Iris is a strong demonstration of how poetry can evoke emotion without getting bogged down in the details of one's affairs. Along the way it provides some wisdom about finding one's place, accepting what one is given." ~G. Murray Thomas, Poetix.net, Feb. 2010
A Romantic Century in Polish Music - Studies Edited by Maja Trochimczyk

A collection of scholarly essays about the history of Polish music in the 19th and 20th centuries by eminent European music historians: Magdalena Dziadek, Martina Homma, Krzysztof Rottermund, Krzysztof Szatrawski, Maria Zduniak, and the editor, Maja Trochimczyk. The essays discuss such disparate issues as the Wroclaw visits of the violinist, Karol Lipinski, a history of his violins, Henryk Wieniawski's virtuosity, the reception of Wagner in Poland, the career paths and mindsets of Polish women composers of the 19th century, the biography of Feliks Nowowiejski, Ignacy Jan Paderewski's inspiration with the Tatra Mountains and Podhale folklore, and other issues. Edited by Maja Trochimczyk, with translations from the Polish.
Published in December 2009, 264 pp. See the description of this book, including the detailed table of contents. ISBN 978-0-9819693-3-6 (paperback) - $22.00, also available as PDF download - $10.00 (Lulu.com).
Published in December 2009, 264 pp. See the description of this book, including the detailed table of contents. ISBN 978-0-9819693-3-6 (paperback) - $22.00, also available as PDF download - $10.00 (Lulu.com).
Moonrise Press Blog on Blogspot.com

Additional news and information about books, authors, and events of Moonrise Press of Los Angeles. The blog features an International Translation Project "Memento Vitae" - with translations of one poem by Maja Trochimczyk into Polish, French, Spanish, Serbian and other languages.
Chopin with Cherries Blog by Maja Trochimczyk

The "Chopin with Cherries" Blog, created by the editor of an anthology of the same title (Chopin with Cherries: A Tribute in Verse), Maja Trochimczyk, is dedicated to topics associated with this anthology - poetry, music, the presence and meaning of Chopin's music in contemporary world, and the intersections of music and poetry that his art inspired. You may find it on the following sites:
On Blogspot - chopinwithcherries.blogspot.com
Open Salon - open.salon.com/blog/chopin_with_cherries.
On Blogspot - chopinwithcherries.blogspot.com
Open Salon - open.salon.com/blog/chopin_with_cherries.
Poetry Laurels Blog by Maja Trochimczyk

This blog, at poetrylaurels.blogspot.com, was started to document Maja Trochimczyk's adventures and exploits as the Sixth Poet Laureate of Sunland Tujunga, serving in the years 2010-2012. The blog continues after the end of her service.
With poems and reprints of Maja Trochimczyk's column from the monthly "good news paper" of the Foothills, The Voice of the Village.
With poems and reprints of Maja Trochimczyk's column from the monthly "good news paper" of the Foothills, The Voice of the Village.