Clocks and Water DropsClocks and Water Drops - Poetry Collection by Marlene Hitt
Published in May 2015. 118 pages. BUY IT NOW: ISBN 978-0-9819693-5-0, $15.00 This collection of poetry is the work of Marlene Hitt, the first Poet Laureate of Sunland-Tujunga, former Museum Director at the Bolton Hall Museum, organizer of readings, community events, editor and author. The book includes 73 poems divided into sections on: Children, Marriages, Portraits, Neighbors, Seasons, Small Things, Passages, and Farewells. The title captures the poet's fascination with the flow of time, as relentless and powerful as drops of water that can shape rocks and move mountains. More information and a sample poem may be found on Moonrise Press Blog and on the book's website. |

MARLENE HITT (b. 1936) is a Los Angeles poet, writer and retired educator with local history as an avocation. She has served for many years as Archivist, Museum Director and Historian at the Bolton Hall Museum in Tujunga. She is a native Californian and a graduate of Occidental College. She also studied at CSUN, USC, UCLA, Glendale College and Trinity College in Ireland. As a member of the Chupa Rosa Writers of Sunland for nearly 30 years, she has worked with this small group of poets from whom has sprung readings at the local library, the Poet Laureate Program of Sunland-Tujunga, and the currently popular Village Poets. Her poetry received several first place prizes in annual competitions of the Women’s Club, San Fernando Valley, and many awards from the John Steven McGroarty Chapter of the California Chaparral Poets. Her work appeared in Psychopoetica (UK), Chupa Rosa Diaries of the Chupa Rosa Writers, Sunland (2001-2003), Glendale College’s Eclipse anthologies, two Moonrise Press anthologies, Chopin With Cherries (2010) and Meditations on Divine Names (2012), and Sometimes in the Open, a collection of verse by California Poets Laureate. She published Sad with Cinnamon, Mint Leaves, and Bent Grass (all in 2001), as well as Riddle in the Rain with Dorothy Skiles, and a stack of chapbooks for friends and family.
Jack Cooper about Marlene's book
Clocks and Water Drops is a book of treasured gifts packed in memories and reflections as tasty as homemade bread, fanciful as a rose petal salad and healing as warm camphor oil on a child's skin. Marlene Hitts’ astute and thoughtful voice paints a world as gentle as lamb’s wool and precious as a girl’s first pony. Open this cedar chest of poems, don its knitted socks and prepare to chase the moon through love and time. ~ Jack Cooper, Across My Silence.
"Marlene Hitt is a poet beyond measure - she holds each thing to her eye and finds inner correspondences. She finds in the mind - an empty glue, a "back alley" and wonders what words to write, as we all do, on a blank page, or "the bronze grave marker" she buys for herself. Each of her poems works on several levels, and almost always ends with a very interesting surprise or revelation. The significance of each detail is stunning and inspiring. She sees objects as possessing uncanny power. She recalls her feeling that the clock pendulum in the house has captured time with its sound, and stolen it from her own grandmother. By her confident and consistent phrasing and exacting vision, she follows her own life from early childhood to now. She calls upon us as readers to look at her life, and back into our own for the metaphors inherent and active "alive, in all of us today." ~ Kath Abela Wilson, Poet, Artist, founder of Poets on Site